Telling Aeneis through museal art


What is mythLOD digital collection?

The mythLOD digital collection

mythLOD collection stores a large span of heterogeneous artworks, provided by different responsible entities, created in different periods and from different authors.

mythlod contains4260 artworks

What artworks have in common?

All the artworks represent a mythologic scene, which has been recognised by an expert.
Simplifying mythLOD datamodel, we can say an expert recognised a certain scene depicted in each artwork of mythLOD collection.

All the depicted scenes has been recorded by the experts, according to an internal taxonomy

Here you can see all the categories (or scenes) of the taxonomy which will be reused in the storytelling below

Finally, the scene depicted in the artwork has been referenced to the literary resources in which the same scene has been narrated

The result is that artworks have been linked to some literary reference due to what they represent.

By analysing these aspects, we found out that Aeneid by Virgil is one of the most referred literary source in mythLOD dataset.

In this page the Aeneis are presented from mythLOD perspective. Additionally, the available visualisations focus on What (representing artefacts, literary sources and categories), Where (e.g. places where the items are located), When (e.g. date of an artefact creation), Who (representing people involved into the creation of artefacts).

The timeline answers to the question:

“Which are the museal objects which shares some theme in common with Aeneis and when have they been created? ”
Here below is presented a timeline representing mythLOD museal objects referenced to have a depicted scene in common with Aeneis.
The map answers to the question:

“Which are the museal objects which shares some theme in common with Aeneis and where are they currently located?”

The map presents items clustered by spatial proximity, by zomming in it is possible to look at the single museal objects and find out more information about them.

Which is the distribution of Aeneis citation in mythLOD collection?

The heatmap represents Aeneis citations distribution in mythLOD collection

Since each Aeneis citation in the dataset shares at least one category with a museal object, the heatmap graphically represents the distrubution of Aeneis lines which are referened in the collection along with the covered depicted themes (conceptual categories).

The x-axsis represent Aeneis books, while 50-lines-groups are represented on y-axis.

Going deeply with conceptual categories (depicted scenes), below are represented together all the keywords and conceptual categories shared between the museal objects and Aneis, taking into account how many times they co-occur in mythLOD dataset.
Since Aeneis shares scenes (conceptual categories) with mythLOD museal items, below are represented:
  • The 10 most recurrent keyword of all the cultural objects which have Aeneis as a reference
  • The 10 most recurrent conceptual categories of all the cultural objects which have Aeneis as a reference

Moreover, Aeneis can be considered both a set of cited lines (as we have seen in the heamap visualisation) but also as a whole literary source (frbr:F1_Work).

In each mythLOD assertion, a museal object shares one or more common themes (conceptual categories) with one or more literary sources from different authors and periods. And so, which are all the literary references which co-occur with Aeneis?

The result is the network here presented, which shows the literary sources and categories connection. What emerges, is the pink set showing that Aeneis shows most categories mainly with four other works:

  • Petrarca Francesco, 1304-1374 | Trionfi
  • Ungaretti Giuseppe | Vita di un Uomo
  • Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321 | Divina Commedia
  • Leopardi Giacomo, 1798-1837 | Canti
Sharing the same 23 recurrent themes.

The graph represents “Which are the the authors which created an artworks whose depicted scene has been also recognised to be in common with Aeneid?”

The graph shows the connections between Aeneid themes, artwork themes and their authors

Moreover, as in the previous graph, it is possible to look at some automatic clustering effect (Modularity class and color in the figure). Modularity classes have been automatically added depending on item-category distance.

Comparing thw two graphs is posible to note that some categories tend to be highly interconnect with others (e.g. Enea e Dione abbandonati).