made in Bologna

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What's BolDH?

Digital Humanities

BolDH is an ecosystem conceived as a combination of education, research practices, and scholarly projects in the Digital Humanities domain.

We believe Digital Humanities and digital practices are making scholarly activities fundamental again.

Knowledge Organisation

Library and Information Science (LIS) focuses on the organization of information within bibliographic records. In contrast, Knowledge Organization spans beyond LIS, involving various disciplines, institutions, languages, symbolic and conceptual systems, as well as diverse theories, literatures, and genres.

Knowledge Representation

Knowledge Representation involves formally structuring information to enable computers to tackle complex tasks. It serves as the foundation for the Semantic Web and plays a crucial role in Ontology Engineering. These research domains, along with their associated methodologies and theories, extend their application to the Arts and Humanities sector, as well as the Cultural Heritage domain encompassing Libraries, Museums, and Archives.

Data Science

Data Science comprises various methods and techniques aimed at manipulating and extracting knowledge from data. Instead of being confined to a specific research domain, the techniques within the Data Science category find applications in diverse areas such as Linguistics, Library and Information Science. The distinctive feature of the /DH.arc research centre lies in its emphasis on data, setting it apart from other technological applications.

Semantic Publishing

Semantic Publishing utilizes Web and Semantic Web technologies to enhance scholarly works with plain RDF statements, nano-publications, and similar techniques aiming to improve discoverability, interactivity, openness, and (re-)usability for both humans and machines. These principles of openness align with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) data principles, extending the commitment to open practices in research data publication.

Computational Linguistics

Computational Linguistics is a field dedicated to investigating the application of computational methodologies to address various linguistic questions. The primary objective is to employ these approaches to generate statistical analyses and models derived from natural language, contributing to a deeper understanding of linguistic phenomena through the lens of computational tools and techniques.

Digital Philology

Digital Philology employs technical solutions for studying, manipulating, and publishing literary texts. Rooted in humanities, it takes an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. A notable output is the creation of Digital Scholarly Editions, with Semantic Web technologies enabling the development of enhanced applications known as Semantic Digital Editions.

DHDK — Master Degree

Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge

Acquire the pillars of your education in DH to reach a transversal knowledge across disciplines from humanities to computer science.


Cultural Heritage in the Digital Ecosystem

Experiment advanced pedagogical practices for learning how to face scholarly research activities in the DH, training yourself to be a digital humanist.


Laboratory for Digital Acquisition

Take part concretely in activities at our technical lab, for acquiring expertises on heterogeneous primary sources digitalization and manipulation.


Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre

Learn advanced research practices, working on existent projects in the DH and participating in a team of domain experts.


DHDK Educational Yearbook

Produce research outputs as and collect them.


Digital Library

Disseminate your data in a shared environment.

BolDH — the ecosystem

Bologna Digital Humanities

Everything comes together. The ecosystem collects all the courses, research activities and DH projects made in Bologna.

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